REPEAT IT BACK TO ME is out now!

Hi all!

My visual novel, REPEAT IT BACK TO ME, is out now! You can play it in your browser or download it on Windows/Linux computers. You can view the trailer below:

Mileage may vary based on reading speed, but during my playtesting I found REPEAT IT BACK TO ME to be roughly ~30 - 45 minutes long. If that's too long to read in one session, the game will automatically save throughout (you'll see a white flash when this happens.)

This project has been a pretty considerable undertaking as a solo developer juggling programming, illustrations, music, writing, and marketing, so if you liked REPEAT IT BACK TO ME, please share it with someone else who you think may enjoy it. In the next few days I'll be releasing the original score for REPEAT IT BACK TO ME on bandcamp and youtube. I'll also be uploading a wallpaper pack with all of the illustrations from the project, along with a bunch of work-in-progress pieces and some illustrations that didn't end up making the cut.

If you happen to run into any bugs, issues, or typos, please let me know! You can leave a comment on this post or reach out to me via twitter. I was hoping to have a Mac version of REPEAT IT BACK TO ME available on launch, but I've ran into trouble problems trying to build the game for those devices. I'll keep looking into it to see if there's anything I can do, but unfortunately I wasn't able to do this by the date I promised. I hope the browser version is able to make up for this.




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Congrats on the release!

Thank you!