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This is such a cool little VN. The writing with the textured art style plus the score is so atmospheric. I didn’t know what “riparian” meant till now, so thanks for the vocab lesson :P It’s a fitting metaphor; I could really feel the river banks threatening to overflow!

Thank you for playing! I'm glad the atmosphere I tried to put together came across :)


I really, really enjoyed this. I'm also absolutely impressed to see that you also composed the score for this VN because I really liked the music!!! The format of the game is especially really nice because it feels so closed in and claustrophobic, which I think matches how Maven feels throughout the story. The combination of the game's look and music somehow perfectly captures how it's like to think about deep things late at night. Great job!!!


Thank you so much for playing!! I'm really happy to hear you enjoyed the music and look of the the VN :)