Hi all!

Recently, while working on my latest visual novel, REPEAT IT BACK TO ME, I started having trouble doing illustrations due to how drawing would affect my wrist, but since I couldn't seem to keep myself away from working on something, last Saturday I made the (very spontaneous) decision to join Godot Wild Jam #69. The theme of the jam was "Void" and for the jam I created PLATINUM WHITE in a little under a week. Here's the blurb I wrote for the itch page:

You have less than 8 minutes to remember what you can. It won't be enough time to remember everything. Run around and explore a lonely landscape or sit in the same spot, waiting. The Platinum White will come either way.

My more informal way of describing PLATINUM WHITE goes more like this: it's a weird walking sim about death, liminal spaces, and memories. I won't get too much further into it here since I'll be talking more about PLATINUM WHITE and how I put it together after judging for the jam is done. In the meanwhile, be sure to check out PLATINUM WHITE, and if you enjoyed it, consider playing my other finished games, GUARDIAN ANGEL and SALTWATER.

Since completing PLATINUM WHITE, my wrist health has improved a lot so I will be back to working on illustrations for REPEAT IT BACK TO ME shortly! In the meanwhile, I hope you enjoy playing PLATINUM WHITE. I wrote some custom music for this game, so expect me to release that separately from the game in the next few days.




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