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Very captivating and gorgeous. I love the 3d greyscale combined with the noise, it really makes use of the medium it's using to tell the story. The way that you interact with each element in order to figure out what's going on was also really interesting, the usage of the 8 minute timer just forcefully shutting off the game rather than taking you to the menu was cool. Another great story :)


Thank you!! :)

(1 edit) (+1)

Interesting dither look and quiet narrative. Visually and conceptually (the b&w, noise, less than 8 minutes) it's really similar to a game I made. I love seeing more visuals like it. Great work. 

Thank you so much for playing and for leaving such a kind comment. Your games i promise and city::ephemera were very beautiful and affecting. I look forward to seeing what you make next.


I really enjoyed exploring your landscape and unravelling the story. This is a great game, part relaxing and part stressful as the timer counts down. Thank you for making it.

Thank you so much!! I'm glad to hear you enjoyed it :)


Nice interesting game but i like it and its well made anyway well done!

Thank you!